The best hidden gem in every Paris arrondissement

So you’ve seen all the main Paris sights, and maybe even a few of the offbeat ones. But let’s go deeper. Here are 20 truly hidden gems, one from every arrondissement, most of which we discovered during our Paris Countdown season.

The Earful Tower podcast episode

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1st arrondissement: Wander through the willows

At the western edge of the Square du Vert-Galant pass through a willow tree’s branches to enjoy a private, unrivalled and unspoiled view of the Seine. Best to visit in the early morning, forget about having it to yourself at lunchtime or in the evenings. Address: 15 Pl. du Pont Neuf, 75001

Click here for everything we found in the 1st arrondissement of Paris.

2nd arrondissement: The glowing gallery

The Passage du Grand Cerf. Each of the covered passages in the second arrondissement has its own personality, and this one offers something for the curiosity collector. It’s a stunning passage too. Look at the light shining through that high glass ceiling. Address: 145 Rue Saint-Denis, 75002 

Click here for everything we found in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris.

3rd arrondissement: Delve into national treasures

The Musée des Archives Nationales. We absolutely love this museum here at the Earful Tower (so much so, it’s a part of our Marais walking tour – books yours here). Be sure to venture upstairs, where you’ll find Napoleon’s handwritten will and a letter from Marie Antoinette. The rooms downstairs are sublime. Address: 60 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003

Click here for everything we found in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris.

4th arrondissement: A horticultural haven

The Jardin des Rosiers Joseph Migneret not only features a big chunk of the Philippe Auguste Wall, but it’s a perfectly peaceful place to escape the city’s hustle and bustle. A significant portion of this quiet corner has been handed over to the cultivation of flowers, herbs and fruits. Long time podcast listeners will, no doubt, remember the time a prolific Paris writer told me to meet him under the fig tree in this park. Address: 10 Rue des Rosiers, 75004

Click here for everything we found in the 4th arrondissement.

5th arrondissement: Time for tea

The Grand Mosque of Paris. A great spot for a cup of mint tea, which we had chilled. Apparently it’s a top spot for a massage too, but remember: they only treat women. The old movie Don’t Look Now… We’re Being Shot At filmed a scene at the spa here, watch it here. Address: 2bis Pl. du Puits de l’Ermite, 75005

Click here for everything we found in the 5th arrondissement.

6th arrondissement: Simply scent-sational

Officine Universelle Buly. This perfumerie has only been here a handful of years, but the brand dates back centuries. The interior is nothing short of magical and a feast for all the senses. Address: 6 Rue Bonaparte, 75006

Click here for everything we found in the 6th arrondissement.

7th arrondissement: A cabinet of curiosities

Deyrolle. If you’ve never visited Deyrolle taxidermy shop, then you have been missing out. Its delightful collection includes stuffed animals and pinned butterflies. Part museum and part shop, it might be recognisable to movie-lovers, it features in the movie Midnight in Paris. Address: 46 Rue du Bac, 75007

Click here for everything we found in the 7th arrondissement.

8th arrondissement: The most beautiful church you’ve never visited

Église Saint-Philippe-du-Roule. Paris is packed full of churches. The competition for the most beautiful is fierce. As a result, this church is not even remotely famous. In fact, I bet most Parisians have never even heard of it. But, this unknown gem boasts an interior so impressive that it would be the main attraction of almost any other town in the world. Address: 9 Rue de Courcelles, 75008

Click here for everything we found in the 8th arrondissement.
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9th arrondissement: Have a peek at private Paris

Cité Malesherbes. If you time it right you can sneak into this impressive gated community, which features some of the most impressive buildings in the area. The painted facade halfway down the street (pictured below), is simply breathtaking. Note: This is indeed a private road. Don’t tell anyone I sent you! Address: Cité Malesherbes, 75009

Click here for everything we found in the 9th arrondissement.

10th arrondissement: This one’s for the fans*

NOTE: This museum has now closed down. We will replace this gem with another as soon as we find it.

The fan museum: Atelier Anne Hoguet Eventails. Here’s something way off the beaten track. The fan museum is a delight tucked away in what was once a huge Paris apartment. It’s a functioning atelier too, meaning you might be lucky enough to see people making hand-held fans as you explore the museum. Address: 2 Bd de Strasbourg, 75010

Click here for everything we found in the 10th arrondissement.

11th arrondissement: The hidden passageways

Passage de l’Homme. The 11th is full of old alleyways which were once teeming with artisans. Furniture makers, frame fixers, handymen and more. Nowadays, the passages are still there, but it’s often residents or office workers inside the buildings. If you know where to look, you’ll find stunning oases of calm and sometimes an artisan from today plying their trade.

A good one to start at is Passage de l’Homme. We ended up visiting about ten of them with our photographer. Here are our full findings and many more pictures. If you’re a Patreon member, here’s your invite to watch my Walk Show video showcasing these passages.

Click here for everything we found in the 11th arrondissement.

12th arrondissement: Unmissable merry-go-rounds

Musée des Arts Forains. This fairground museum is excellent. If you’ve seen Midnight in Paris you’ll recognise one of the rooms, where Owen Wilson is dancing near the carousels. There is so much to take in here that you’d be justified in making multiple visits. It’s amazing that it’s not better known.  Address: 53 Av. des Terroirs de France, 75012

Click here for everything we found in the 12th arrondissement.

13th arrondissement: The globes of Coronelli

If you head into the François-Mitterrand Library you can find the enormous globes of Coronelli, seemingly suspended in a dark room. Each is about four metres in diameter (over 13 feet). One shows the Earth as far as it had been explored in the 17th century, the other shows celestial star formations. The globes were a gift to Louis XIV. Lean more about these globes here. Address: Quai François Mauriac, 75706

Click here for everything we found in the 13th arrondissement.

14th arrondissement: Metallic mementos of the World’s Fair

Église Notre-Dame-du-Travail. Have you ever seen this much metal inside a church? The steel framework was stripped from the 1855 Universal Exposition and re-purposed in the construction of this unique and intriguing church. Address: 59 Rue Vercingétorix, 75014 

Click here for everything we found in the 14th arrondissement.

15th arrondissement: The third island in Paris

The Île aux Cygnes. Many people know and have visited the Île de la Cité and Île Saint Louis, but few have heard of the Île aux Cygnes. This tiny artificial island boasts amazing views of the Seine and the Eiffel Tower. Be sure to walk all the way to the western edge for a closer look at the biggest Statue of Liberty in Paris – here’s how to find the other seven. Learn more about the Île aux Cygnes here. Address: Île aux Cygnes, 75015

Click here for everything we found in the 15th arrondissement.

16th arrondissement: The hidden mosaic lobbies

Mosaics on Rue Jasmin. Dotted around the 16th are some of the finest lobbies you’ll find in France. These are private residences, so if you’re tempted to seek them out, please do so with respect and, perhaps, discretion. Here’s a sneak peek at one we found that got me so overwhelmed that I had to sit down. Here are all the pictures and the addresses from our mosaic explorations.

Click here for everything we found in the 16th arrondissement.

17th arrondissement: Discover the domed rooftops

These domes (or coupolas) are an architectural delight and they’re dotted around this arrondissement. If you want to see inside one, here are some pics from when we visited someone who lives inside one of them. Top points to whoever finds the most domes in this neighbourhood!

Click here for about everything we found in the 17th arrondissement.

18th arrondissement: Have a tipple in the sky

Terrass” Hotel bar. Very easily the best view from a bar/restaurant in the whole district. So many people don’t seem to know about this place. And you’re in luck, because this view is not just for hotel guests, this is for anyone looking for a classy cocktail in the 18th arrondissement. Get up there! Address: 12 Rue Joseph de Maistre, 75018

Click here for everything we found in the 18th arrondissement.

19th arrondissement: The floating bookshop

It’s called the Péniche L’Eau Et Les Rêves (the barge of water and dreams) and it specializes in books about gardening and plants. There’s also a very charming cafe/restaurant in the hull. Click here to learn more about this magical place Address: 9 Quai de l’Oise, 75019

Click here for everything we found in the 19th arrondissement.

20th arrondissement: Step back in time

Visit Le Vieux Belleville for a nostalgic Edith Piaf singalong, though remember this is only on Tuesday nights. Other nights are other themes. This is unique for an unforgettable evening out, learn more about the experience here. Address: 12 Rue des Envierges, 75020

Click here for everything we found in the 20th arrondissement.

That’s all for now! Happy hunting!

This week’s Earful Tower podcast episode

Below, again, is the podcast episode – enjoy! And if you like what you hear, please consider becoming a Patreon member on the link below.

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The Earful Tower’s 2024 Guide to Paris [PDF]


It’s here and updated for 2024! After 14 seasons of making The Earful Tower podcast, featuring hundreds of expert guests, I’ve thoroughly updated my ultimate guide to Paris. There are 150 tips spread over 100 pages, arranged by arrondissement. You’ll find our choices for best restaurants, cafes, hidden treats, parks and museums. All of them…

Photos: Augusta Sagnelli. Additional reporting: Charlotte Pleasants.

One thought on “The best hidden gem in every Paris arrondissement

  1. Oliver: Thanks for sharing these hidden gems! How lucky are you???? VERY. Love the exquisite details that you give us about these locations-they define Paris as the jewel of Europe!! LOVE IT!

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